I have quirks, but first things first.
I am sorry for writing bullshit/diarrhea (of which I cannot spell without spell check) that is lacking in substance and vocabulary. I don't know what has happened to my brain aside from the mass amounts of alcohol I have been consuming. I think that is probably the answer to all my problems. Ekoorb has also been out to play a lot more than I would like. I do this thing where I don't mix alcohol with my prescription drugs; I might be afraid of dying on the toilet like Elvis or overdosing like Jimmy Hendrix. As influential as they both were, dying from that sort of a thing makes me say, "I'll take my drugs separately, thanks." Getting "slizzard" is not as fun as the media makes it out to be. Though feeling like a G6 is still pretty fucking awesome, I don't know about you but feeling like a military jet is probably the most fun thing ever.
Back to the point, I do some really weird things. Everyone has their OCD moments, where they have to do things in a specific order and if they don't they feel dirty and like the whole day will go awry. Like a shower regime, everyone has one! Mine goes like this: Shave, wash body, wash hair, put conditioner on my hair, wash my face and then rinse my hair and then my face. It takes me like 10 minutes to take a shower. But my quirks seem a little bit more strange than the normal humanoid.
I hate taking a shower. I hate it. As Allie in
this blog says, taking a shower is a chore for her. I feel about the same but for a different reason. For me the chore is disrobing, being cold and vulnerable, then getting warm, wet and cozy, and then being COLD, wet and vulnerable. I hate it. I hate being naked. I hate being doused frequently in water. And I HATE being cold.
I plan stories I am going to tell my friends, and now to you guys. Ok here we go, like when I get a series of texts that I think are funny I won't read them to people, I will make it in to a full blown conversation that I can simply narrate to people instead. Or if I have to ask someone a favor or a question I will think of the best way to for the question so that I don't sound like an idiot, or that I am a total bum. Sometimes I want to seem completely desperate. When I was little I used to use logic to figure out facts (most of the time they weren't true) about dolphins, and then I would think about the best way to explain them to my mom without her knowing that I was completely bullshitting her. I would rehearse for hours in my head, just restating the made up facts. I don't actually think I got away with any of them but god bless my mother for putting up with it. I don't know why they were always about dolphins. That is some psychological garbage I don't want to look into right now. Oddly enough I have been thinking about writing about this since I was planning out a series of events to tell my friend Heidi.
I can't hurt stuffed animals.....or pillows. My mom was a sensitive soul, and she loved dolphins.....HEY THAT'S WHY I MADE UP THOSE FACTS! So she loved dolphins and anything that had cotton in it really. When me or my other blood relatives that I call siblings got mad at each other or her she told us to hit our pillows. We were not allowed to hit each other. Well I am just as sensitive as my mom so I would NEVER hit my pillow, because my pillow was actually my mom's face. I didn't want to hit my mom's face, she was my mom and she loved me. Even if I was infuriated with her I would never punch my pillow. I reverted to cutting my hair off instead, which I'm sure made her punch her pillow. I am the youngest in my family, and my sister and I have a 6 year difference and she is the one just older than I am. Needless to say, I had no one to play with growing up. I had a select few friends but they were all weird and like playing princesses and crap like that whereas I like to play live action Poke'mon. SOOOOOO much cooler than fucking princesses. (I'm sorry Mom) I played photographer with my stuffed animals. I would set them up in families and take pictures of them. I was always the mom of my families. Which is kinda weird, I don't know what kind of man I would have to get to produce stuffed pig children. Obviously, one does not throw ones children! That is child abuse and those beautiful cotton packed pigs were my real legitimate children. In fact, my ex bought me a stuffed bunny once and I threw it because I was mad at him and immediately felt guilty and started crying because that bunny was our love child. The kissafer bunny still sleeps with me occasionally because I still feel bad.
Letting my computer die, or my phone die, kills me inside. They do nothing but serve me all day and I just let them die. Its like if I were to ever have a slave, I could never beat them....
too soon? They are just too good to me. They clean up after me, they make me food, how can you be outlandishly rude to someone who makes you FOOD!??! Seriously. Its the same with computers. Though, my phone is an absolute bitch to me! She, yes she, won't let me turn off my alarm clock, or answer my calls. And then she dies when I need her. Not cool phone. It really hurts my feelings when she does that.
I have to chew on something at all times....that's all I have to say on that matter.
If you have any of these crazy ass quirks please let me know because I feel like I am crazy 90% of the time.