always do

One day at a time....

Monday, October 24, 2011

Remembering Sunday...not.

There is a list of things I will never do again:
1. Mix alcohol and pills.
2. Text people while I am on my sleeping meds, though some funny shit gets said.
3. Get blackout drunk.

I learned this last one the hard way, meaning I don't remember anything from Friday night and I have a lot of bruises EVERYWHERE, so that leads me to believe that I either fell a LOT, probably more than I should've, or was beaten and raped. Moral of this story, never make a pact with someone to get blackout drunk, because it WILL happen, and you WILL be curious why you have bruises and how you woke up with no pants on.

There is this old saying about me that I won't speak of but I found out that it is kinda true, for that I will apologize to two people, Kyle and Chris, because they suffered the wrath of this personality trait like NONE OTHER. No one should have to suffer through it, yet I keep living up to this expectation. If you text me I might tell you what this thing is but there is no need to publicly announce it to the 20 people who read my blog. Sorry folks! You can ask Kyle or Chris and I am sure they will tell you.

Also, I like the majority of my life. Justsayin'.

Watch this: Hella awesome

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