always do

One day at a time....

Monday, October 10, 2011

Scary movies....

....are awesome, except when I am afraid to take a shower or pee alone. Seriously. It always starts as something fun, like," Oh! Friends! I have a good idea, lets all watch a scary movie!" Then it turns into having a bunch of people huddled under one blanket because we all think the thin piece of fabric will keep us safe from any possible form of harm including: Satan, ghosts, Aliens, any form of creature and the dark. Its completely illogical but the blanket is like a bomb shelter, nothing can penetrate the titanium threading of a snugly blanket. When I decided to make stupid choices such as watching Ghost Adventures by me lonesome in the dark, I used to end up holding my cat so tight that she couldn't breathe.
What compels us to want to shit our pants out of fear? That's kind of a funny thing to think about. I know plenty of people who don't enjoy watching scary movies or reading scary stories, but I love all of those things. Being scared is one of my favorite things ever! I don't enjoy scaring people though. Not a fan of that at all.

I successfully got drunk and didn't do anything stupid. I was quite proud when I woke up and didn't feel like an idiot. I did sleep most of the day though, but who really cares?! The only really dumb part of the evening was trying to explain to someone about how I don't really believe in love but I am hopeless romantic so I actually do believe in love and soul mates and all that bull shit. Mostly, it just ended with both of us being confused and stuff.

Lately I have been cursed with Writer's Block because I have finished reading two blogs. I don't have anymore to read!!! I could read a book but I don't want to at the moment. If you know any good blogs that are funny PLEASE TELL ME!

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