always do

One day at a time....

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

So I woke up feeling like P diddy.

I read blogs. Not just one, but like, 3 or 4 really funny blogs about how we all suck at life. Tragically enough I want to do the same. I, honest to god, think that my head is one of the most awful places to be because, well, I am random as shit. I do a lot of things everyone else does but I actually admit MOST of those things. Such as today, I am 20 and I built a fort with my best friend who is 21, meanwhile we took shots of Sailor Jerry and I ate one cream cheese tube while she was here. I proceeded to eat 2 more after she was gone. I am an average sized girl, meaning I weigh 135 and am 5'6", but I am a human garbage disposal. I can eat so much more than would be expected for someone my size.
    So I woke up the other day, after about 4 hours of drinking and taking care of barfing young adults, and I said to myself, "If this is what P Diddy feels like, then he must wake up with a hangover the size of Asia on a regular basis." Which then led me to remember the previous night. I'll explain what my usual night consists of: Facebook, Zelda or any video game, and large portions of food. Saturday night consisted of the following: saving my name as "Girl I want to do" in a boy's phone, having my tank top pulled off by this boy in front of all my friends (which isn't really that weird with my group), telling half my friends I would like to be a homewrecker, taking care of someone who was black out drunk, and then eventually falling asleep after being burned by a cigarette. Needless to say, I haven't left my house since then and why I felt like P Diddy. Only Ke$ha would enjoy singing a song about being so hungover you want to die. So after I pondered these things I fell asleep for three more hours and then went to bed at 9:30 at night.
Thank you Skyler for the burn.
   I lead one of the most interesting lives ever. I wouldn't change a single thing.

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